En blogg där jag dokumenterar mitt år i Sydkorea


Kategori: Allmänt

Today, today is the day :-)
det är tydligen en sort som inte får frukt men en jäkla massa blommor.
Yesterday a went to a kinda conference for Zen buddhism, with enlightened masters!  It was pretty wicked. In this beautiful and peaceful temple they had mounted a mega stage and in the evening they had a performance with korean music. Everything from traditional drums to a middleage-tant-rubacuori to k-pop. I went to sleep in a cool traditional house and was supposed to wake up at 3 for the morning chanting. PIENOOOO. I took sovmorgon and woke up 4:30. Instead of meditating I went taking night pictures <3 in this foggy mountain temple.
Där inne sov jag
På kvällen
På morgonen runt 6.


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