My last climbing trip in Korea was very nice. Ulsan has so many mountains and the view is pretty awesome. It all started 7:30 on Thursday with me forgetting my sleeping bag. 5 h later I'm leading a very scary route! The wall was deep in the forest and the hot weather, the green trees and small roads made me feel like home (prarostino) :-) 8 exhausted climbers were invited by the club's president parents for dinner, sleep and breakfast. Amazingly kind people. The second day we climbed multi pitch on a ridge called arirang. Nice view and nice climbing that finished with delicious sesame soup noodles in a restaurant and camping at the river. Saying goodbye was very fast but ok! Because I had so many good experiences and memories thanks to this club. HTN
My last week in Korea is quite hectic. So many things to do so little time. But yes I try to enjoy my time and relax as much as possible. I went climbing, on an improvised road trip, BBQ on a roof, and bought new glasses. Rest of the week, pretty much the same. Tomorrow exhibition Wednesday post my boxes to Sweden and Italy, Thursday Friday climbing Saturday goodbye dinner Sunday packing and Monday home. Wow. Not much time.
Maybe I'm more Swedish that I want to admit, but this korean way of saying one thing and then doing the opposite, I can't get used to it. It happened so many times that the professor says something like prepare ppt and panel for tomorrow morning. So I start preparing and work all night to be ready at 9 am. When I arrive, I'm the 4th person in the classroom, the other 3 students were there all night. 1/3rd of the class arrives by 9:30 with the prof. and the rest doesn't show up. It's the final day, why is people not showing up?! No they are still working, I guess they will arrive 30 min before class ends. So Now I'm sitting here in the classroom for 3 hours doing nothing, because I'm finished. Awesome, I could be in my bed and sleep and show up 3 h later. Fuckers!
But Now I just got feedback from the Prof. and he likes my project :-) "Very interesting, good innovation about how to sharing emotions, very conceptual."
Thank you very much prof. Kim Sun, you taught me how to see the world with different eyes.
Nu börjar mitt sommarlov !!! Första stopp --> sjukhuset :-( ska kolla upp mitt tinnitus.
A day that started quite bad now became rather pleasant. Yesterday evening right before going to bed (in time because of todays exam) I couldn't fall asleep, my ear got strange and I was awake for more than 2 hours in bed. I woke up later than planned and my ear still made strange low frequency noises that worried me and didn't let me study. I wrote the exam and skipped my second class to go to work. I got a teaching job for 5 hours. Took the bus and found the place but I was 20 min early so I watched 2 kids play Yu-gi-oh on the street (this made my day :-) when 10 min were left I called the lady from the job and realized there were 2 places with the same name!! aaa, panic! It's an english academy but it was hard to communicate with the lady at the phone. Finally she passed me another guy that picked me up. 15 min late i started my job. 10 groups of ca5 kids changed every 1/2 hour. They had books and they had to read the books and I just listened and checked their pronunciation. The first group were 8-9 year old boys that couldn't stay still and it was all about reading as fast as possible. the last group was mixed 13-14 years old. After 2 hours I was very tired and the last 2 hours I lost myself in a childish version Romeo and Juliet accompanied by manga-style illustrations. I 5 hours I could pretty much get the to see the transformation of the typical korean kid (I guess): quite normal in the beginning and very wild. Big difference between girls and boys. So happy when I saw a group just with girls!! But later they get cellphones and become very quiet. At the end, school homework and academy turns them into zombies. The English gets worse with time, or maybe is the being-afraid-of-making-mistakes-fenomen" that starts so I had to ask them 7 times before they answered to the question. Anyway the last group (oldest) was the most interesting group. Now I got home, with money in my pocket and I just get to know that I don't have to take my last exam on Friday because my essay was among the 10 best ^^ So A+ and no exam. whoooooo o ooo o o ooo ao oa oa oa oao ao ao oa oa oa oa oa o aoa o aoao oa oao aoa oa oa oa oa oa oa oa o aoa oa oa ao oa aaoaoaoa a aoaoaoa a a aoaoa a a oaoa a aoao ao !
Now back to work. (actually non ci'ho testa and I'm waiting for Eunji to finish her job so that we can eat chicken at Ministop, I hope she is in)
Last week of exams, I had my first this morning, Studies in British cinema. It went well, the class has been really interesting and even if I don't get any credits for it from my home university I am so happy that I took it. I'd like to be able to take these kind of classes in Sweden. We always just study what we need, and what is useful in a future job and never something just because its interesting. Sometimes efficiency is so boring.
Today I organized my thoughts and I have come to the conclusion that engineering is about solving problems and design is about achieving a dream or vision. Since I am always in the middle I'm a little bit divided. But at least now I know the difference an can admire and criticize both fields.
For about 20 years I have been trying to answer the question "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
I have never had a real dream job or a certain dream for the future. My phylosophy untill now has been "why not?/ try it and see what heppens/ experience/ search / discover." But no goal. Anyway now that I am studying with people that are about to graduate I entered the "what am I gonna do with my future" way of thinking. And many (in korea) see a safe job at Samsung or LG or Hyundai as the best thing that could happen. Others are brave and their dream is to start a company. I have still 2 years left so I am not worried. yet.
I can't stop talking about my Entertainment design class. I just love it. Kim Sun Chul showed me a different world that changed my way of thinking, it's hard to tell how and what it is but I think it has to do with technology and human emotions. 2 fields that I never considered much while designing. But designing for the future! researching the newest technologies and connecting it to humans through emotions. During this class I had to imagine the future, even small details and finding out future needs. At the same time as I had to read Calvino and find my own design phylosophy. I have never liked a class so much. I have never dedicated my free time for a home work. And thanks to Eunji and Doha we have been travelling with our thoughts for entire nights. What will humans care about in the future, what are the relations that will never change, wich part of us will remain and wich will be digital? He suggested to take a look at the Media Lab MIT
I started to watch Sci-Fi and futuristic movies. (really?) yes, I'm still working on trying to enjoy the lame story lines and hollywood style hours of action. But what is it that makes me love with these movies? The fact that behind every single scene there is a thought. Someone has been thinking as I have been thinking, how will the future look like? How will we live? what are the shapes of the future. and many times I arrived to the same conclusion as them, so I wonder, how did they get there? That would be an amazing job. Designer in the film industry. Using my creativity.
I have almost always been thought that everything has to be rational. Rational thinking --> good decision. But I learned today in my human engineering class that most of the times humans don't make rational decisions. So what do we follow? How do we make decisions? No one knows exactley. And when you have to find a new shape, it doesn't really work either. What is inspiration and how can I translate emotions into shapes?
I'm quite fed up by rational thinking and efficency these days. Even though I get angry if my computer is slow.
I could go on for ages writing about this subject. But I have to use my time efficently to have time to be unefficient.
Anyway Media Lab äger och jag vill dit. Det är min dröm.
These are pictures I got from other people, I guess mainly it's food, rocks and pose pictures. But it's ok.
The trip started on Buddha's Birthday --> holiday --> traffic jam --> 9 hours instead of 3
we had lunchbreak on the way with ramion fro everyone!!
here I learned how to use the ramion pakage as a bowl for eating.
I the evening we arrived and the camping place was full so we drove further and finally set up our tents along the Sokcho beach. It was windy and cold and we had to wake up at 4 am, just 5 hours sleep TT TT
breakfast and prepare lunchbox at 4am.
after half an hour drive and 1 h hiking we reached the start.
ah! no have to trust your feet.
long way to go..
the other group was climbing this.
Mun and Profe were first
and finally I had almost finished too!
Finally we reached the top! Higher Than Now, is the name of the club, and I am not responsible for the logotype...
going down! always a little bit scary.
Exhausted. Best picture. Describes how dead I was and how beautiful.
Dinnerrrrrrrr. Lice
We were supposed to climb the day after but it was raining so we went to a temple and did some touristic stuff
And finally we went to a restaurant famous for this dish: Nengmyon. A cold soup with buckwheat noodles and vegetables. Smaskigt!
Det finns flera olika sätt att klättra, när man klättrar multi pitch då är det oftast längre sträckor bestående av flera delar (pitch) därav namnet mulit-pitch. Vanligtvis när man klättrar korta sträckor är det en person som klättrar och en som säkrar. Men i MP säkrar man varandra. Här är en video som förklarar
det är tydligen en sort som inte får frukt men en jäkla massa blommor.
Yesterday a went to a kinda conference for Zen buddhism, with enlightened masters! It was pretty wicked. In this beautiful and peaceful temple they had mounted a mega stage and in the evening they had a performance with korean music. Everything from traditional drums to a middleage-tant-rubacuori to k-pop. I went to sleep in a cool traditional house and was supposed to wake up at 3 for the morning chanting. PIENOOOO. I took sovmorgon and woke up 4:30. Instead of meditating I went taking night pictures <3 in this foggy mountain temple.