Domani cari miei parto e vado a Hong Kong per il weekend. Mi incontro con Maria che parte da Singapore, sono 4 ore di volo per entrambe. Il tempo previsto é pioggia e 24 gradi. Qua a Suwon ce ne sono pochi e di notte la temperatura tocca lo zero. Se fra un po' nevica tutti a sciare!!
Lo zaino é quasi pieno, 3 magliette 2 pantaloncini, un'asciugamano e macchina foto. Sono un po preoccupata di aver dimenticato qualcosa di importante o di aver fatto qualche grave errore, visto che l'ultima volta ho sbagliato il giorno del volo. Partiró con air india e mi chedo se l'aereo puzzerá di curry :-) hehe.
Went to Seoul two days in a row and slept both nights in a "gingilbang". It's a sauna, open 24h where people go to sleep after partying. At 3.00 in the morning it's really buisy and almost hard to find a place to sleep. We had to change into a sort of pyjamas that u get at the entrance lock your stuff into a locker and that's it. There were 2 floors full with people laying on the floor sleeping, so we did the same. It's awesome :-) when u wake up the day after just take a shower, go to the hot and cold pool and then u are fresh and ready to start your day!! I don't have any pictures but I'll try next time.
In seoul
i finally found a graffiti in korean.
and did some seightseeing.
Then I finally went to the Templestay. 2 days and 1 night. with buddhist munks.
we had to change into comfy munk chlothes. these were my japanese roomates.
in the night
with a nice view of Seoul.
Wake up at 4:30 in the morning. aaaaaaah so hard.
during all meals we could not talk. silence in the cafeteria.
maditete was really hard, but it was a cool experience.