En blogg där jag dokumenterar mitt år i Sydkorea

Angkor Wat


Hey just came back from visiting Angkor wat, said in easy words its pretty awesome, I almost got caught by the police again for climbing up on the temples, but I escaped and it was worth it! We had a nice tuktuk driver that drove us around to all the temples and I have never seen so many Korean tourists with their hats and gloves and masks.. After a swim in the pool of our hotel I have been deliberating on maybe going to visit Vietnam instead of starting to write my thesis, I asked my mum for advice and she supported my idea of chillin' with school and experience more! I like my mum. Even though I'm traveling with a bunch of people I don't talk that much, I think a lot. About my life my future and ask myself if I have learned something. Doesn't really feel like that but maybe I have. I mostly try to get to know myself better, it's not an easy task. I also miss home a lot. I miss my family, Italy, my life in Linköping and my good friends. I miss having something stable like knowing that I'm gonna stay in one place more than one year, to have a routine and a plan about the future. But at the same time that sounds extremely boring, and I can't wait to finish my bachelor to move to the next city.

There is one thing I really want to do, I want to finish all the projects I have started. I want to make something out of it. I have been filming a lot during my trip and I'd like to make something cool out of it. I'd like to be braver and talk more with people. Today the last day here in angkorwat I came up with a new project. Making a movie about the tuktuk drivers, because their life thrills me, and because they are normal people trying to get along like everybody else. I'd like to show the world their reality with beautiful pictures.
Maybe I should just stay another few days to define my project and get more material, but maybe I should just continue my trip.



  • ida säger:

    temple run ! Hahaha

    2013-01-18 | 20:30:19
  • Gustaf säger:

    Bli för i helvete inte fångad av polisen A-G! Typiskt dumt. =P

    Jag tror inte du ska hetsa så mycket över att veta vad du lärt dig om dig själv nu. Du är mitt uppe i det nu, att se vad du lärt dig kommer efteråt, för mig har det varit så iaf.

    Hoppas du kommer på mer vad du vill göra. Kom hem sen bara! =)

    2013-01-23 | 00:54:19
  • Lena Opara säger:

    Liebe Anna-Giulia,gib bitte nicht auf ,was Du so schön angefangen hast.Alle Eindrücke musst Du erst verarbeiten,erst dann ein kluges Urteil bilden.Alles Gute! Kram Mormor

    2013-01-24 | 10:17:33

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