Maybe I'm more Swedish that I want to admit, but this korean way of saying one thing and then doing the opposite, I can't get used to it. It happened so many times that the professor says something like prepare ppt and panel for tomorrow morning. So I start preparing and work all night to be ready at 9 am. When I arrive, I'm the 4th person in the classroom, the other 3 students were there all night. 1/3rd of the class arrives by 9:30 with the prof. and the rest doesn't show up. It's the final day, why is people not showing up?! No they are still working, I guess they will arrive 30 min before class ends. So Now I'm sitting here in the classroom for 3 hours doing nothing, because I'm finished. Awesome, I could be in my bed and sleep and show up 3 h later. Fuckers!
But Now I just got feedback from the Prof. and he likes my project :-) "Very interesting, good innovation about how to sharing emotions, very conceptual."
Thank you very much prof. Kim Sun, you taught me how to see the world with different eyes.
Nu börjar mitt sommarlov !!! Första stopp --> sjukhuset :-( ska kolla upp mitt tinnitus.
Anonym säger:
Ciao AG ho letto il tuo blogg , bello , ho capito qualcosa altre cose no, ma presto arrivi e me le spieghi
Ciao Papi
2013-06-21 | 03:36:48
Papi säger:
Vedo in questo fil di ferro una mamma ortodonzista. Sono le quattro del mattino, da te sono ore 11.00 ?
Cerca di capire il dosaggio dei farmaci che ti hanno dato, penso che tu possa prenderli, il cortisone si prende al mattino.
Ci sentiamo, puoi chiamarmi sul cellulare ?